Tender motor

 Flöda som vatten

Spells & Compost

This reality this unreality

Jackrabbit Parole

Leadingfollowing: the spectator's dance

Arena Baubo proudly post/non/mis/re/present:

current discourse

Spekulativa juntan Södertälje Konsthall 2024


Spekulativa Juntan 2019-2021

Hide in plain sight play in hindsight

The Blob

The Disengaged Free Jazz Orchestra

Kulla-Gulla, Fassbinder och jag

BOX Autumn studio: Skogen

When dancing was done with the lungs

From a throat of flesh

Rättshaverister, grr-wrwrwr-hrr, paranoia, ömsinta protester

To turn a strained expectation into nothing

Arena Baubo proudly post/non/mis/re/present:

multi-tasking seminars
